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Seeker of Shadow (Eöl)


What really drew Aredhel of Gondolin to the dark forest? Eöl reacts to the White Lady's presence in his domain.


Where are you riding, O White Lady so fair, shrouded by silver, moonlight gilding your long black hair?

The towers of Gondolin were not strong enough to hold you? Were its fountains not deep enough to quench your fire? Did its high-born lords find favor in your eyes, or were their blades too dull to match your mettle? Why flew you from such sunlit heights?

Aredhel Ar-Feiniel rides alone, free of all who would enfold her. They could not know what her heart yearns for as she passes through the mighty trees of Nan Elmoth. It is not the safe light of day she seeks. But I can tame that fierce and questing heart, answer the need behind her bright eyes. She has entered my twilit realm of her own will, and here she shall abide. Now I draw her to me as the lodestone draws iron. Her quest will end when she alights, weary of wandering, at my door.

Come now, my fair bird, my rare bird…
A white owl thou art, and darkness thy true heart.
I will give you my steel and the white-hot stars above.
The shadows shall cloak us when we lie down in love.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Eöl's poetry was originally written by me, so don't blame him or Professor Tolkien for it.


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