Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
The Dance of Life
The Dance of Life


Two drabbles that are connected. The first is rated Teen. I think they are self-explanitory.


The Dance of Life

The feasting and dancing ended; there was one thing left to do. Haldir took Ela's hand, leading her into the bedroom. She was flushed: with dancing, or anticipation? Quickly ridding themselves of the restraint of clothing, he was pleased that she did not hold back. Both inexperienced, he had a good idea what to do. Moving to the stage set for their love, she welcomed his embrace. Thus reassured, he gently laid her on the bed, drinking eagerly the sight of her body. Kissing her tenderly, he moved over her and began the dance that would begin their life together.

Quiet Contemplation

The evening completed, Haldir lay quietly, not wanting to wake her. He thought over the last year, and the anticipation that had almost overcome him. And now, he had what he had not realized he wanted.

Starting at the arm creeping around his waist, he relaxed and smiled. The touch, soft as the petals of a flower, gripped tighter as she snuggled against him.

Considering the years spent alone, he contemplated sharing them with another. Well, his brother had managed quite well; he hoped he could do the same. And there was little doubt he would, now with her here.