Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
The Dance of Life


The forging of a symbol Rated G



Finally, it was finished. Forged from the lifeblood flowing through the heart of Arda, it had been crafted with care and patience. He held it in his hand, gentle as the hand it would one day grace. Placing the ring on the tabletop, he glanced at the creator. Dorga's friendship had been but part of the weaving that had cradled his betrothed since her troubled childhood. Now, the caring would fall on him.

The dwarf mumbled his welcome to the elf�s thank you. Despite their races' mutual dislike, he respected this one, if only for her sake.


For those not familiar with the story, Haldir is accepting the wedding bands made by the good friend of his future wife. The friend happens to be a dwarf, something which Haldir has learned to accept and tolerate.