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The Mariner's Return


The Mariner’s Return

As the moon shone brightly from over the heights of Meneltarma, Erendis led the court musicians down to the wharf. Her husband’s ship should soon arrive, and she would be there to meet him. She carried with her a bottle of strong spirits with which to greet and beguile him. After all, her beloved Aldarion would be king of Númenor one day--between the two of them they would do well to beget the heir that he deserved and that was expected of them as Crown Prince and Princess of the island nation, and she was eager to do her duty by the land and people they both so loved.

Soon, to the east, against the glimmering stars, the softly shimmering shape of a ship of their people could be seen. She grew eager. She smiled and signaled. A lone violin began to play. It came closer; the music swelled.

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