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Edhellond Anniversary Drabbles
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Disclaimer: All places and persons belong to Professor Tolkien whom I greatly admire. This was written for the simple joy of writing. No copyright infringment intended, no money made.
Rating: General, suitable for all.
Series: Flickers on the Water
Archiving: my website and Edhellond. Everyone else: please, ask first.
Summary: When Morgoth is defeated and the pits of Utumno laid open, Alagos, the Dark Elf, makes a startling discovery. 108 words.

Dedication: to Jillian Baade, for Edhellond's 5th anniversary.

Beta read by Lady Masterblott, thanks!


The creature had dark skin, a twisted face full of fear and hatred, and hands that reminded of the claws of some wild beast. But its ears were pointed like those of the Quendi, and though its eyes were slanted and yellow, there was something in them that held back the knife in Alagos' hand. Something torturously familiar.

He looked at the creature again, not only with his eyes but also with his heart, and now he could see beyond the grotesque visage and recognize the person hidden somewhere within.

"Brother?" he asked, and tears began to fall from the yellow eyes.

~The End~


It is established in "Astonishment in Mirkwood" that Alagos' parents had been taken by the Hunter to Utumno, in order to be twisted into Orcs. They were also forced to breed; his brother was born in the pits.


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