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The Tempest and the Fury
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Storm Rising


Above him, clouds tumbled and collided, producing powerful and frequent bursts of thunder. The end of summer was not going to leave quietly to make way for autumn. This particular storm fit his dark mood perfectly. Legolas let the approaching storm batter him: his emotions were as wild as the weather. He had never felt so lonely, so angry, and so sad all at the same time in his life. He was lonely because she had left Mirkwood a month ago, her life as a ranger would soon begin. He was angry at her for leaving, and for turning down his love. Yet, she was in love with another. Legolas was furious with himself for being so livid with her. He was sad because it would be some time until he saw her again, if at all, and he missed her terribly.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed someone emerging from the trees. Tall, silent, and impressive, his father came to a halt at the river bank. Legolas did not look at him, but knew Thranduil would remain there to wait out the storm, offering his love and support to his only son.

Legolas was no longer alone.

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