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Marta's Assorted Drabbles
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Anniversary (Third Age- Erebor) (Bilbo, Bifur)


Several years after returning to the Shire, some of Bilbo's dwarven companions visit him in Bag End.


"Esgaroth flourishes?"

"The river still runs gold, so they say."

Bilbo smiled. "Fifty years... I can hardly believe it. And what news from Erebor?"

Bifur's smile widened. "The rivers may soon run true-silver, if our hopes be not cheated. Balin has set out for Moria --"

Bilbo coughed on the pipeweed-smoke he had inhaled. Moria! The Lonely Mountain held many treasures, and the skill to forge new ones. But beneath Khazad-dûm lay wealth beyond any dwarf's dream. What an adventure!

He would follow Balin someday. The Took heart still beat in his breast. Adventure would call him ere the end - but not quite yet.

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