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Vistula's Filk Frenzy
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The Quest of the Ring


To the tune of: The Battle of New Orleans ~ By Johnny Horton. Written from Sam's POV.


In 1418 we left upon a quest
Me self and Mister Frodo oh we swore we’d do our best.
We joined with Pip and Merry while black riders we did flee,
Then we met this man named Strider at the Prancing Pony – Bree.

Frodo hid the Ring but the evil stayed around him
And now it called him stronger than it did awhile before.
He put it on and the Dark Lord nearly found him
But still he vowed to carry it until he could no more.

We slogged through some marshes, cheated death on Weathertop,
Then the Ringwraiths started chasing us, our journey couldn’t stop.
The wound that Mister Frodo took, it wasn’t doing well
But with Glorfindel’s assistance, we at last reached Rivendell.

Frodo hid the Ring but the evil stayed around him
And now it called him stronger than it did awhile before.
He put it on and the Dark Lord nearly found him
But still he vowed to carry it until he could no more.

Now Elrond said we’d avoid the Dark Lord’s Eye
If we snuck with nine companions ent’ring Mordor on the sly.
We packed up Bill the Pony, took a Wood Elf and Dwarf
And with Gandalf as our leader our new Fellowship set forth.

Frodo hid the Ring but the evil stayed around him
And now it called him stronger than it did awhile before.
He put it on and the Dark Lord nearly found him
But still he vowed to carry it until he could no more.

Yes we fought with some orcs and we ran from the Watcher
And lost Gandalf to a Balrog on the Bridge of Khazad-Dum.
We stopped for awhile in Lorien the golden
But even food and boats and gifts could not dispel the gloom.

We paddled down the river ‘til we stopped at Amon Hen.
Boromir he tried to take the Ring, the orcs attacked again.
They scooped up Pip and Merry, leaving Boromir to die
And Frodo tried to leave alone, I never asked him why.

Frodo hid the Ring but the evil stayed around him
And now it called him stronger than it did awhile before.
He put it on and the Dark Lord nearly found him
But still he vowed to carry it until he could no more.

Well we climbed some rocks, wandered ‘til we lost our way
Then we captured that ol’ Gollum, Mister Frodo let him stay.
He led us from Emyn Muil, the path he did persuade
Then through Dead Marshes we did sneak to dark Morannon’s Gate.

Frodo hid the Ring but the evil stayed around him
And now it called him stronger than it did awhile before.
He put it on and the Dark Lord nearly found him
But still he vowed to carry it until he could no more.

Ol’ Gollum said that there was another path
So he lead us from the great Black Gate, away from Sauron’s wrath.
Some southern Rangers captured us, to Henneth Annun bound
But Faramir he set us free, his quality was found.

Frodo hid the Ring but the evil stayed around him
And now it called him stronger than it did awhile before.
He put it on and the Dark Lord nearly found him
But still he vowed to carry it until he could no more.

Yes we climbed up some stairs, I lost my master to a spider,
Took the Ring and followed Frodo to an orc-infested tower.
The orcs killed each other, and we fled into Mordor
Closer to the Crack of Doom we ventured by the hour.

Now the food was gone and the water running low
With Mister Frodo fading fast, the progress it was slow.
We reached the mountain’s ashy slopes, to scale it our design
When Frodo fell, I hitched him up, the last steps they were mine.

Frodo hid the Ring but the evil stayed around him
And now it called him stronger than it did awhile before.
He put it on and the Dark Lord nearly found him
But still he vowed to carry it until he could no more.

Well the fire was reached, but he couldn’t let it go
Then Gollum took his finger off, and screaming fell below
And as the dark and evil Ring did melt away at last
The dark lord’s reign and realm became a nightmare of the past.

Frodo hid the Ring but the evil stayed around him
And now it called him stronger than it did awhile before.
He put it on and the Dark Lord nearly found him
But still he vowed to carry it until he could no more.

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