Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles
The Path Untaken


Ainaechoiriel wanted something about Legolas and why the Elves don't go near Dol Guldur. Although Legolas isn't in this drabble, he was in the story that inspired it.


The prisoner's trail bent southward, ever southward. Birdsong ceased; the trees grew twisted, and in windless lands, unquiet peace unsettled the hearts of all who dared the shadow. Dorothil walks the fading trail and his dreams walk with him, nightmare memories of changling wolves, and one more terrible than they...

A twig snaps. The patrol halts, stands stricken as into every mind come images unbidden–

–Orcs innumerable–mountains belching fire–living shadow–

Dol Guldur is years deep in darkness. Dorothil turns away, and to breathless companions says: "We will go no further. Gollum is gone. Today, the tower has won."