Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles
Life on a level


Fileg asked for drabbles about Rangers or those cursed by an unlucky "H" name.


As a child, Háma had climbed upon the roof to lie watching the stars. And as a young man sweaty from sword lessons, he'd pour the water over his head for relief, and stand there, head thrown back. How very like a dome the sky always seemed then, and he centered beneath its height, with all the rest falling splendid about him.

But before the dawn call, Háma looks out, not up. He sees no dome: the center holds no more, for the world is not for one boy unfolded, but he's for the world, as men cry: Forth, Éorlingas!


Bowl/horizon concept borrowed from Eric O. Springsted, "Will and Order: The Moral Self in Augustine's De Libero Arbitrio"; Augustinian Studies 29, 1998 : p. 92.