Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles


paranoidangel wanted a drabble about Elrond.


The Steward looks up from his work when his visitor is announced, then quickly rises. "Master Elrond," says he, "I'm honored."

"And busy," Elrond replies. "I shall be brief," says he and hands over a pouch. "We found it too late, but I would return it nonetheless." From out the bag tumbles a medallion.

Faramir stares, then laughs a little, sighing sadly, "Ah, Boromir!"

"If I may, what is it?"

"A soldier's charm. For luck." Elrond looks grave, but Faramir continues slowly, "Yet he was fortunate—he was not alone in the end. And for that, I do thank you."