Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
B2MeM 2012
Mind melding (The Mouth of Sauron)


B2MeM Challenge: i21 March 3019: The Mouth of Sauron receives his instructions
Format: Drabble
Genre: Horror. Sort of.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Characters: Mouth of Sauron. Sauron.
Pairings: None.
Summary: Sauron channels his inner Spock. LotR meets Star Trek.

The first time he saw Sauron's mind he was weakened for weeks.

(This he told the minions. But, after that frightful invasion into his mind --not the other way around. Sauron's mind was too infinite to comprehend-- he wished to die. He punishes me! Punishes me, after my good service...! But Sauron had other end planned for him, and after that horrific first time, each subsequent melding was easier.

(That was: he craved it. Craved the oneness, the closeness.)

He, a mortal, became God's messenger.)

Glancing at the mithril, he smiled. He knew what to do.

~the end