Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Seize the day


Prompt: Borrow.

Summary: "Waste no man's time in war."


'Twas said “Hurrhabi” meant “luck spirits,” who bartered favors with mortals. Had Aragorn known how, he might've bartered: his men had burned Hurrhabi's shipyard behind its protective cove-chain, but fortune was fickle:

“Haradrim are flanking us,” his second, Belarion, warned. “We'll be cut off!”

War admits no hesitations. “Open their slave-pens,” he ordered. “Give them torches.”

“But captain,” Belarion protested, “we can't take them all aboard our – ”

“Do it! Hear me!”Aragorn raised his voice to clamoring captives. “There lie Harad's ships! Who would see home must take one!” And to Belarion, standing aghast, snapped: “Borrowed time, lieutenant – now move!”


Hurrhabi: the name I gave to that point on the map called "The City of the Corsairs" in Trust.