Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
To Show His Quality
Hard and Keen


For the "Swordplay or Defence" prompt.


“… Enemy activity grows daily.” Faramir looks steadily around the Council. “Three men down this month –”

“Yet your losses in general much lower than other garrisons,” Denethor notes smoothly. “Rangers seem remarkably adept at avoiding engagement with Mordor…”

A vicious thrust; but expecting it, he parries. “While inflicting more damage than any other company, my lord. But to increase patrols, I need more men.”

He once enjoyed his father’s verbal sparring; duelling wits for pure pleasure. But these last months his mood grows dark and bitter; he’s out for blood. How long, with Boromir gone, before he goes for the kill?


“And its edge was hard and keen” – Anduril on its reforging, as described in LoTR Book 2, Ch 3, The Ring Goes South.