Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
March 6-8, 3019: Coil


From south-wall to keep, Pelargir was alert: from its walls Anduin was under watch.

In the Rows, war-rumor spread; barricades were readied, trebuchets manned. And guardsmen trained with city levies – save in Southron Town.

Varendur discussed barricades and discipline, promised men place, but uneasily. For his captain cautioned: others would decide the best use of Haradrim.

Use them but somehow! Varendur pleaded, for suspicion bred true and worse: bred resentment, deepened dangerous divisions.

Cats sometimes brought lizards, thinking to please, and the scolding broom surprised them.

Men, Varendur darkly thought, were cats, save that after brooms, they failed of surprise...