Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
March 13, 3019: Ghost


What did happen at Pelargir? (See author's notes for specific genesis of question.) Drabble the first...


Dawnlight seeped through the unhinged door, illuminating death. Stiff bodies lay still, bloodstains seeming strange, lawless shadows. Like us, Šuraš thought. We should've died.

Instead, they grieved, Ihna'a rocking wordlessly. Šuraš crawled to their brother, closed his eyes, whispered: “Thy roses testify”; then taking Ihna'a's bloody hand and the dagger, urged:


Outside, smoke hung heavy; north and west, war still sounded. But they, shade-like, passed amid silent streets and corpses fallen in fight or flight 'til Wainwrights' Square.

There men and boys, soldiers and citizens lay in mounds of butchered parts.

Ahaya!” breathed Šuraš.

Thus had Pelargir been won.