Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Fell and Fair
3002 Third Age


The Emyn Muil
3002 Third Age

Éomund of Eastfold, Chief Marshal of the Mark

Oh, Béma!

"Retreat!" I shout. "Ambush!"

'Tis a relief to hear a horn convey the command rearwards. Some of my men may yet escape....

But they are too many.... "Fight! For the Mark!"

I think of my family, and grimace as I recall spinning fireside tales about the Grey Ghostriders. But only trusting children can rely on rescuers from legend....

The Orc-swarm closes in.

Ne'er will I see my fiery Éowyn grow, nor fearless Éomer become captain. Let his reputation not bear the brand of my rashness....

The blackened Orc-blade finds its mark at last.

Remember me, Théodwyn, my love!