Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
In the Cards
Two Towers


Day 19: Card: The Tower


Then to the Isle of Werewolves came
Lúthien, clad in shadow-hame.
With Huan guarding 'gainst foe throng,
she sent her power forth in Song

And shook the earth and tower fey
And made the bones dance where they lay
'Til all the walls were tumbled down
And Sauron groveled on the ground

Yet stone builds not the strongest tower
And steel hath not greater power
Than Feänor's sons, crafty-wise:
Catastrophe in fair disguise.

For Angrist won from Curufin
will serve but once, betray by end:
It raises pride, and calls to Doom
that lovers consigns to their tomb.