Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Kin-strife for Christmas
'Tis A Truth Generally Acknowledged


When lords duel, their favors divide the lowly.

A wail, violin-high, goes up by Moon-high Wharf, then shouts, sounds of struggle. When guardsmen arrive, there's one man down, three on another, a woman and a crowd.

“What monkey business...?” Haldarion snarls, wrestling one Southron from golden-haired prey.

They're all three sheets winded – bottle-broke, utterly forked, the Southrons screaming: “Longneck scum!”

The battered Southron woman just rocks, keening. Ambarin grimaces. The grievance of idled hands!

“Lock holes for you,” he mutters. 'Tis but a beginning: the crowd's discontent's ugly promise of more – mayhap worse – tomorrow...


Prompt: bottle, wharf, violin, moon, monkey, fork, hole, lock, sheet