Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Sundry Scrolls
I. Daybreak (Faramir)


He awakened with a pounding head and a gladdened heart.

For a moment, he could not remember how either condition had come to pass. Then the memories of an enormous singing Eagle, its joyful tidings, and the revelry that had followed, opened in his mind like the pages of a great tale of old.

The sky had darkened; the Eagle had come; and the earth had shaken with the force of their Enemy’s Fall!

Faramir of Gondor arose. Opening the windows, he looked for the first time upon a dawn free of Shadow.

And he had lived to see it!


Author's Note: A true drabble, originally posted to the H-A email list 3/25/07 for Elena Tiriel's birthday.