Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
'Neath Anor, Ithil, and Gil


For Elena Tiriel. With thanks to RiverOtter for the Beta.



“He’s no longer our little brother, you know.”

Elladan nodded thoughtfully. “In this you are right, muindor nín. Nay, I fear he left that state long ago.”

“How did he manage to do so, and we never noticed?” Elrohir asked.

What could Elladan say? “For all his upbringing in our adar’s house, today he is wholly a Man--and in many ways is more kingly than I’ve seen yet amongst Elves.”

Together they watched the newly crowned King, the Ringbearer and Mithrandir by his side, enter into his inheritance at last, seeing him the Man blest by the Creator he was.