Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Further Impressions
By:Linda Hoyland
The Rival


Disclaimer: The characters are the property of the Tolkien Estate. No profit has been, nor will be made from this story


The Rival

I look at the unconscious man’s face. How like his father he is!

Should Sauron fall, Denethor’s remaining son would be the last obstacle between my hopes of Gondor’s crown and winning Arwen’s hand.

I am exhausted, yet Gandalf requests I heal my rival: the man who could destroy all my hopes, a man now hovering near death.

I take Faramir’s hand and feel his brow. I sense a man of quality and goodness. I cannot allow this man’s life to be forfeit to the Dark Lord when I could prevent it.

Whatever it costs me, I must save him.


A/N. A very personal view of a favourite moment from LOTR. Written for the "Difficult Decisions "Challenge.