Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Further Impressions
By:Linda Hoyland


The characters are the property of the Tolkien Estate.



Aragorn sat watching his Queen playing with their children in the gardens. He laughed as Eldarion vainly chased a butterfly. Then his expression suddenly became sombre.

“What ails you, my friend?” asked Faramir coming to sit beside him.

“Arwen will never see her kinsfolk again because she chose to wed me,” Aragorn said sadly.

“She had centuries in which to choose a bridegroom from amongst the Eldar,” Faramir replied. ”She chose you. Together you have created a new family. Do not feel guilty, but rather rejoice that she found in you the joy that had eluded her until you met.”


A/N this was written for the prompt "Guilty" in the AA Group.