Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Edhellond Anniversary Drabbles
All That Remains


Disclaimer: All places and persons belong to Professor Tolkien whom I greatly admire. This was written for the simple joy of writing. No copyright infringment intended, no money made.
Rating: General, suitable for all.
Series: Sons of Gondor
Archiving: My website and Edhellond. Everyone else: please, ask first.
Summary: After being healed by Aragorn, Faramir has an unusual visitor in the Houses of Healing. Triple-drabble. 318 words.

Dedication: to Archet, for Edhellond's 5th anniversary.

Beta read by Tolkanonms, thanks.


Resurfacing from the shadowy depths of his dreams, Faramir became aware of the fact that someone was watching him. He opened his leaden eyelids, and as his vision cleared a bit, he saw a tall, graceful, raven-haired man sitting in a chair next to his bed, wearing grey.

The man's face was fair beyond the measure of mortal Men, his wide eyes were grey like silver and very bright. and his elegantly curved ears, only half-visible through his braids, tapered into fine points. And yet there was a certain hardness in that beautiful face, and those luminous eyes mirrored almost mortal sadness. Faramir found this contrast strange and wondered who the Elf might be and what he could possibly want from him.

Sensing that he was awake, the Elf turned to him.

"Greetings, Faramir Denethorion," he said. “My heart is glad that Estel has succeeded in saving you."

"Do I know you?" asked Faramir in surprise, for the Elf looked not the slightest bit like one of Gildor Inglorion's subjects, the only Elves he had ever seen in Dol Amroth.

"Nay," replied the Elf, "but I used to know your brother... used to know him well. For I am Elladan, the firstborn of Elrond, and have come with the Grey Company to Gondor's aid, as I have promised Boromir I would."

"You have promised?" repeated Faramir in awe.

"I was more than just his friend," answered the Elf. "And though I know that such unions are forbidden in the South-kingdom, I believe you deserve the truth. For he was my chosen one, my soul-mate, the one for whom I have given up the grace of my life... and done so gladly. And now you are all I have left of him."

After a moment of stunned silence, Faramir reached out with a weak hand to welcome Elrond's eldest in the family.

~The End~