Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Isabeau's Drabbles
Second Place


I'd forgotten about this one, until Denise reminded me. Then I had to search the Yahoo group to find it-I think the original is still trapped on my old computer.


It is strange, not to be the center of attention. Boromir watches his Uncle Imrahil laugh with Faramir over some absurdity in a book of history. His brother is happy, animated in a way that is never seen at home. In Minas Tirith Boromir is the Steward’s Heir, courted by everyone about him. Here he is but one of two cousins, with a slight preference given to the other.

Imrahil misses little, and later there is a private talk. “I love you too, lad, but you know why it must be so,” he says.

Boromir nods. “I quite agree, Uncle.”