Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Divers Drabbles
Invocation (Aragorn)


Hail Este, Healer of Hurts; to you I dedicate this work.

Thank you, Master Elrond, for fostering me, giving me your knowledge, and teaching me the skill to use it.

My thanks, Ecthelion, for treating me more like a son than a Captain.

Denethor, would that I had come in time to save thee from despair! I could not heal thee; but I will heal thy son

His purpose renewed, Aragorn laid his hand on the wounded man’s sweat-drenched brow.

I am coming for you, Faramir, he gave one more silent vow. I will find you and bring you home.


For those who haven’t waded through The Silmarillion - Este is the Vala associated with healing hurts and giving rest to the weary.

Originally posted on H-A email list and on Birthday Cards Forum June Babies Take 2, 6.3.05, for Gwynnyd’s birthday