Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Marriage of Spirits
By:Vistula the Dunadan
Marriage of Spirits


“They’re strange things, really Mister Frodo, if’n you think of it.”

“What’s that Sam?”

“Rings, I mean. Used to be, when I’d think of rings, I’d most likely think of weddin’s and such…of love tokens what mean affection and show you’d be promisin’ to be together for always. Rings just like this here one I’m fixing to put on Miss Rosie’s hand. But not no more…not after that other Ring. You can be sure it weren’t no symbol of love, Mister Frodo. No sir…”

“But Sam, really it was…a very powerful one.”

“How do you figure Mister Frodo?”

“It married us didn’t it?”

“Beggin’ your pardon, sir?”

“Well, not exactly like you and Rosie are going to be of course, but joined just the same.”

“I don’t follow…”

“It bound us together, the two of us like one, uniting us under a common purpose. It tied together what all the dark lands of Mordor could not sunder. Isn’t that really what a marriage is – two people, vowing to remain together faithfully, no matter how dark the day or how bleak the outlook?”

“I reckon you’re right. Just seems odd though, thinkin’ of it that way.”

“Strange though it may be, it’s better to think of it as something that brought us together rather than considering how close it came to tearing us apart.”

“Aye, Mister Frodo, there is that. Still maybe it would be better if we put it from out our minds altogether…”

“Then let’s not think of it anymore. It’s your wedding day, Samwise. Time to forget the long darkness and look forward to the bright new life you’re embarking on today.”

“And you’ll always be there with us to share it, won’t you Mister Frodo?”

“Always is a long time to promise. But yes Sam I will share it with you…for as long as I can. Now come on. It’s time to go and we really mustn’t delay. I’ve made your bride wait once, for over a year, and I’ll not have her saying that Frodo Baggins has caused her to wait even one minute more for her Sam.”


I have absolutely no idea where this piece came from. My muse awakened from a long sleep and has delivered some strange stuff. NOT that I’m complaining, mind you, it’s just a very different style for me…with all talk and no description. I think it works decently, but I would be interested in hearing any comments on it.