Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Marta's Assorted Drabbles
High King and Halfling (Third Age) (Argeleb, Fallohide Brothers)


Argeleb grants the Fallohide brothers permission to settle the Shire.


Argeleb settled into his throne and glared at his advisor. Why today, of all days...

"We found a hilly region beyond the Baranduin, your majesty, and --"

Argeleb raised one hand for silence, massaging his temple with the other. He had wanted to dismiss the court, but Marcho was persistent. The king was none too pleased with the woolly-toed nuisance standing before him. Luckily, he knew the quickest way to gain some peace.

He sighed heavily. "Just speed my messengers, acknowledge my lordship, and this land is yours -- what did you call it again?"

Marcho smiled warmly at that. "The Shire."