Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Marta's Assorted Drabbles
Fealty and Service (Third Age- pre-WotR) (Denethor, Faramir)


Faramir pledges fealty to Denethor.


"Here do I swear fealty and service …"

The words flow from his lips with a certainty I have scarce heard from him. Surely he is his brother's brother. But more than that he is his father's son.

Faramir. Sufficient jewel I named you, but you have proved me wrong. Much more than sufficient.

Old hand covers new as I lay my palm on the hilt of your sword. Our eyes catch, and we both see each other as never before. Kindred flesh, men of Gondor. The bond we share is now cemented by oath.

My son.

"And this do I hear…"