Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Vistula's Drabbles
By:Vistula the Dunadan
Forever Dancing - Legolas and OFC


This drabble is a follow up to the drabble The First Time


Twirling…faster and faster until leaves spin like stars above her upturned face. Delighted laughter replaces earlier apprehension, and cheeks flush with excitement. As the music reaches it’s crescendo, Mirwen felt her being would burst for the pleasure in it.

Then like heart-rending joy, the chords fade, leaving a hushed stillness in their wake. She gasps as the Prince’s hands encircle her waist just a moment longer than propriety allowed. Eyes sparkling, she falls into his smile as he guides her to the waiting refreshment table.

“A breath,” Legolas whispers for her alone, “then perhaps you’ll grace me with another?”