Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
A Collection of Sindarin Tanka
Rín - Remembrance


illustration of the Sindarin tanka 'Remembrance' by JunoMagic

Cîr vith vi gírbann.
Celebros sui gilraen
Lim vi fin gî·morn.
Rínnathach an nin ennas,
Rínnathach athra aer?
Grey ships (are) in the harbour.
Silver spray like a net of jewels
(Is) sparkling in your dark hair.
Will you remember me there,
will you remember on the other side of the ocean?



Sindarin - "rínna" is not recorded as a verb, but "rín" means "memory, remembrance", so I was very daring and decided that "rínna" might well be the form of the verb. It could also be a strong verb, then it would be "rín" and the correct form of the future tense would be "rínithach".

Tanka - The theme of the tanka is the sense of loss undoubtedly experienced by those of the Eldar that remained in Middle-earth while their loved ones passed away over the sea to Aman.

Illustration - The picture is a Photoshop composition based on a photograph by honigbrotpause at Flickr (Creative Commons Attribution licence) and the painting "Night" by Edward Robert Hughes (1851-1917).


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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this tanka.
