Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Vistula's Drabbles
By:Vistula the Dunadan
A Master's Hand - Sam and Frodo


A drabble to honor the completion of Una's thesis.


“What would that be Mister Frodo?”

“This?” Frodo questioned, holding up the bloody leaves of a tattered manuscript. “This, my dear Samwise, is a thesis.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a sinister document, a tome written by the sweat and tears of the author. One that while untamed by a master’s hand is so dark and dangerous, even Sauron himself would not confront it.”

Eyeing the book warily, Sam frowned. “And this one, were it tamed?”

“Aye, skillfully so.”

Glancing at the cover Sam traced out the gilt letters in his mind.

“Doctor Una. Seems noble soundin’, Frodo.”

“Indeed…it is.”