Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Assorted Drabbles
There and Back Again


Anglachel's birthday drabble (challenged to include as many as possible of: four, forty, a dragon, and Bilbo).


"Lot Forty; four handsome dining chairs - " Consternation in the noontime crowd. The red-faced Mister Grubb breaks off, open-mouthed, as astonished murmurs follow an indignant hobbit elbowing his way through the throng.

"Mister Bilbo!" an eager voice exclaims. "I knew you wasn't dead - "

"Dead?" retorts the late arrival. "Been away, vanquished a dragon, and back to tell the tale! Sackville-Bagginses bought up all my silver at bargain prices, have they?" He snorts. "Remember, Hamfast my lad: it does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near one." He glances meaningfully at Lobelia, and winks.


"It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him" - JRRT, The Hobbit, Chapter 12 (Inside Information)