Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Vistula's Drabbles
By:Vistula the Dunadan
My Hero - Sam and Rosie



Rosie shrieked, fleeing the smial. Running toward her cry, Sam threw down his load of garden waste and wrapped her in a circle of strong arms.

“What’s wrong lass?” he whispered stroking trembling shoulders.

“K…k…kitchen. A…ooooh!” Shuddering, Rosie buried her face in his neck.

“Another one?”

She nodded, giving him a wide-eyed glance.

Trying not to smile, he nodded. “Won’t take a moment.”

Releasing him, Rose watched as her husband ventured forth to do battle. “Be careful…”

I’ve faced orcs and giant spiders, Sam thought wryly, grabbing a broom at the door, and now I should be careful?