Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Vistula's Drabbles
By:Vistula the Dunadan
Hide and Seek - Faramir and Denethor


My very first drabble.


“Four…three…two…one…Ready or not, here I come!”

The child was breathless, searching every nook with eager eyes. He dashed hither and yon, skirting tables – peering under benches, leaving no stone unturned. Giggling he rounded the great chair, not once but twice.

As frustration turned childish glee to pouting tears, he spied it. A careless toe beneath the dragon tapestry. His quarry found at last.

“Found you!” he cried, pulling the drape aside.

Caught up in a father’s arms, he squealed in joy and planted kisses upon a well-loved face.

And Denethor smiled down upon his youngest son and said: “Well played Faramir.”