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Reviews: The Vault of the Dead
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The Vault of the Dead
[1] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Jillian Date:01/07/08

Hhm...this is where all your Moriquendi research has gone, and very well done it is! I loved poor confused Boromir flying off with a lady elf, also dead! And poor confused Aragorn committing who know what! Can't wait for more! Tell me, do the elves of your story count kinship with the Noldor from Aman, or not? If so, Aragorn is related to them, distantly through Idril, but perhaps they don't count the Calaquendi as kin?

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[2] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Rugi Date:01/09/08

You are doing such a good job building tension in the story. It's interesting as the reader since we kind of know more than the characters do (particularly Faramir) about whats waiting for them at the end of the trip but we don't know close to everything of what's coming so there's a lot of anticipatory tension.

It was interesting to see a different evlish culture to the ones we are normally exposed to - I thought you portrayed it well in that they are unmistakeabley elvish (as the characters touch on when they talk about similarities) but have their own unique qualities too as would befit a distinct culture and people. I also like the combination of Characters you've set up here - Gandalf, Legolas, and Faramir together creates an unusual dynamic which I am enjoying particularly since you write each character very well.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

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[3] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Isabeau Date:01/11/08

This is an interesting take on things. I rather like your hidden settlement of Elves smack in the middle of the White Mountains. And you've got Gandalf spot-on. Still working my way around a dark-eyed Faramir, though Orlando did go out for him originally, so it's sort of fitting. I'm looking forward to seeing what Boromir has to say to his brother, and I really like the "sons of Mithrellas" thing. Pity Imrahil wasn't invited....

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[4] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Tessy Date:01/13/08

Ohh new story *reads*

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[5] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Dís Date:01/15/08

A truly well written fic which does give food for thought. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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[6] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Jillian Date:01/16/08

LOVE the elves, and wish I could see Legolas with his changing hair. The Rohirrim too, I bet Theoden was enjoying his procession, as I hope Merry did. Off to read a couple more chapters!

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[7] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Jillian Date:01/16/08

Hhm..this is getting more and more interesting! Moriwendi clearly means the Moriquendi choose not to go to Mandos; but does she mean from her mental musings they have a different fate at the end of Arda from the Caliquendi?

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[8] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Jillian Date:01/16/08

What a sad, yet joy filled chapter! I find it somehow fitting that Boromir wanted to see his brother, not his lover. May Elladan be happy in his mortal much as he can be.

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[9] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Jillian Date:01/16/08

What a lovely ending! Elladan and Boromir together again at last. Dare I hope though, that we will see more of the Moriquendi in your future work?

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[10] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:Lissa Date:05/26/08

Soledad, as you know, I've been very interested in your notes and in the entire process of creating a background for your Moriquendi. Yesterday, I finally read 'Vault of the Dead'.

It was truly fascinating to see your notes come to life in the story (although it did spoil some of the surprises - lol).

The thought of living with your dead leaves me somewhat uncomfortable, but I see their point though I wonder what will happen to them when Arda comes to the end?

Furthermore, it was a great pleasure to notice that you allowed Faramir the right to grieve. He suffered greatly in the Ring War and there are stories in which he just 'lives happily ever after' without a thought of what happened to his kin (not only their death, also the madness that overtook them both) such stories I find jarring. Your portrayal of him seems so much more realistic and respectful of the sacrifices he and his family made.

But back to the Moriquendi. I like the way your Elves regard the Eldar: as deserters who left their home unprotected to sit cozily in exile in Valinor - and on top of that went mad over a couple of jewels!

It happens to be rather close to my own views; looking at canon, Nimrodel certainly wasn't too crazy about the intruders in her country and claimed that they 'brought war and destroyed the peace of old' (I love that quote!).

So, to get to the point: this was a fascinating look into a strange world. Thank you for sharing it with us!


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