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Reviews: The Wealth of Kingdoms
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The Wealth of Kingdoms
[1] The Wealth of Kingdoms by:Dwimordene
Reviewer:Isabeau Date:01/17/13

An interesting and logical premise for the movie-verse, which I actually liked. I too wondered why Thranduil just happened to turn up there with an army... The movie image of Thror's excessive wealth, piles and piles of gold, more than one dwarf could ever possibly spend, puts me in mind of certain hedge fund managers and CEOs these days, and indicates greed taken to a pathological level. I'm curious to see how Thorin will be portrayed in the later films, and Thranduil too for that matter. I have to wonder if he'll take that greedy turn he does in book-verse, when confronted with the wealth that tends to warp dwarven hearts.

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[2] The Wealth of Kingdoms by:Dwimordene
Reviewer:Ainaechoiriel Date:01/17/13

I really liked this. I did disagree with the movie's depiction of Thranduil and your story brought some sense to it. I was thinking maybe he brought the army to help but then saw the futility of it and turned away with a sad look on his face. I like your idea better, because it did rankle that he paid "tribute." I look forward to seeing him in the next set of movies to see what PJ does with Legolas's father there. I do hope he remembers that he's Legolas's father. Legolas was a quite honorable Elf. Had to come from somewhere.

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[3] The Wealth of Kingdoms by:Dwimordene
Reviewer:elfscribe Date:01/17/13

Saw your note on Henneth Annun and came over to check it out. You've made a plausible scenario here. I like your thinking. And to do it in 5 drabbles is a real feat. Cheers!

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[4] The Wealth of Kingdoms by:Dwimordene
Reviewer:obsidianj Date:01/17/13

This makes so much sense. I have to admit, I didn't like movie!Thranduil. He seemed so cold, contrary to the picture in my head, but you gave him a good reason to be that way.

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[5] The Wealth of Kingdoms by:Dwimordene
Reviewer:Salsify Date:01/20/13

This made sense of a scene that really baffled me, and I say that as a loyal fan of the dwarves. Jackson's take on the dwarves in The Hobbit seems more sympathetic than usual on the surface, but there's some disturbing stuff underneath like the tribute and that absurdly huge pile of gold. I can't blame Thranduil for wanting to stay well away.

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